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Solution to Krypton 88

Today's clue:
 Made a blueprint with a plus or minus in the document (8)
Its solution:  DESIGNED = DEED  SIGN
 Solved by the following 13 persons:
 1)  6:01:01      S.Parthasarathy
 2)  6:01:45      Ravi Subramanian
 3)  6:11:54      Ambika
 4)  6:26:42     Brummie
 5)  6:34:51     KB
 6)  6:54:09     S.R.BALASUBRAMANIAN
 7)  9:05:08     Govindarajan
 8)  9:51:57     R.Narayanan.
 9)  10:52:45    Rukmani Gopalan
10)  11:49:49    Ramarao
11)  12:29:27    M.K.RAGHAVAN.
12)  14:00:03    Siddhan Subramanian
13)  19:25:39    M K Bharathi


Raghavan MK said…

A peek into today's Krypton!
*_What Is Your Life’s Blueprint?_*

Six months before he was assassinated, *Martin Luther King* spoke to a group of students at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967.

*_"I want to ask you a question, and that is: What is your life’s blueprint?_*

Whenever a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a blueprint, and that blueprint serves as the pattern, as the guide, and a building is not well erected without a good, solid blueprint.

Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is whether you have a proper, a solid and a sound blueprint.

I want to suggest some of the things that should begin your life’s blueprint.

Number one in your life’s blueprint, should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your worth and your own somebodiness. Don’t allow anybody to make you fell that you’re nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance.

Secondly, in your life’s blueprint you must have as the basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You’re going to be deciding as the days, as the years unfold what you will do in life — what your life’s work will be. Set out to do it well.

And I say to you, my young friends, doors are opening to you–doors of opportunities that were not open to your mothers and your fathers — and the great challenge facing you is to be ready to face these doors as they open."
_Made a blueprint with a plus or minus in the document (8)_

= *deed*

_with a plus or minus_
= *sign*

_sign in the deed_
= *de+sign+ed*
= *designed*

_Made a blueprint_
= *designed*
The *plus-minus sign* *(±)* is a mathematical symbol with multiple meanings.

In mathematics, it generally indicates a choice of exactly two possible values, one of which is the negation of the other.
In experimental sciences, the *sign* commonly indicates the confidence interval or error in a measurement, often the standard deviation or standard error.

In engineering the sign indicates the tolerance, which is the range of values that are considered to be acceptable, safe, or which comply with some standard, or with a contract.

In botany it is used in morphological descriptions to notate "more or less".

In chemistry the sign is used to indicate a racemic mixture.

In chess, the sign indicates a clear advantage for the white player; the complementary sign ∓ indicates the same advantage for the black player.


I found a dimpled spider, fat and white,

On a white heal-all, holding up a moth

Like a white piece of rigid satin cloth--

Assorted characters of death and blight

Mixed ready to begin the morning right,

Like the ingredients of a witches’ broth--

A snow-drop spider, a flower like a froth,

And dead wings carried like a paper kite.

What had that flower to do with being white,

The wayside blue and innocent heal-all?

What brought the kindred spider to that height,

Then steered the white moth thither in the night?

What but *design* of darkness to appall?--

If *design* govern in a thing so small.

_by Robert Frost_

Muthu said…
That is quite a bit of scientific ! Thanks for taking the trouble and sharing here. Let me add a bit more as a retired Civil Engineer/Professor. In the days of yore, design drawings for buildings, roads, machines, etc. were drawn on transparent papers and then they were "printed" on a special paper to get the design as white lines in a blue background. here is an example:

Blue prints were much more permanent than ink or pencil drawings and the later "ammonia prints" as can be seen here:

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