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Solution to Krypton 70

Today's clue:

Broken piece, half a raft, laden with people wearing tattered clothes (8)

Its  solution: FRAGMENT = FT + rag men

This has been solved by 24 persons

1)  6:08:52    Mumbai Hariharan
2)  6:11:09    R.Narayanan.
3)  6:11:46    S.Parthasarathy
4)  6:13:43    KB
5)  6:22:12    Kesavan
6)  6:31:19    Cruciverbalist
7)  7:17:54    S P Suresh
8)  7:28:43    S.R.BALASUBRAMANIAN
9)  8:21:14    Sundar Vedantham
10)  10:18:02    Suba Srinivasan
11)  10:54:48    Siddhan Subramanian
12)  11:08:59    Dhayanandan Bhaskar
13)  11:17:08    Ramarao
14)  12:05:34    Govindarajan
15)  13:05:32    M.K.RAGHAVAN.
16)  15:48:41    Meenakshi Ganapathi
17)  15:55:31    Radha Desikan
18)  16:25:45    Maya
19)  18:01:54    Ravi Subramanian
20)  18:51:27    Soudhamini
21)  18:56:23    Bala
22)  19:15:33    Lakshmi Shankar
23)  20:37:37    Srivina
24)  20:54:23    Ambika


Raghavan MK said…

A peek into today's English riddle!
_Through *tattered* *clothes*_
_great vices do appear;_
_Robes and furred gowns hide all_ .

_Plate sin with gold and the strong lance of_ _justice hurtless breaks._

_Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw does pierce it._

*(William Shakespeare, King Lear)*

_Broken piece, half a raft, laden with people wearing tattered clothes (8)_

_half a raft_ ,= *ft*

_People_ = *men*

_tattered clothes_ = *rag*

_laden_ = *ft* _laden_ with *rag* and *men*

= *f+rag+men+t*

= _Broken piece_

_Warm winter_

_I seek the *fragments* of truth_
_I'm drifting like a cloud_ ,
_I'm flowing like water_
_But I'm afraid to remain_ _on the above the surface._

_why linger like a lost leaf_
_when such marvelous insights lie beneath._

_Why skim the froth_
_but not drink the alchemy,_
_are you truly drunk on vanity ?._
_Sanity, sanity, I am not broken without you_
_Insanity, insanity,_
_I am not deluded with you._

_I only believe because frankly this world is not enough for me,_
_and I only aim to be better in-tune with the infinite_
_because my soul yearns for what it cannot yet reach &_
_what this world has to teach._

_afterall wernt we wonderfully created to simply wonder?_


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