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Solution to Krypton 67

Today's clue:
Slanderer of the French religious booklet caused the German leave the Order (9)

Its solution:  DETRACTOR = de + tract + order- der

Solved by 19 persons:

1)  6:03:35    S.Parthasarathy
2)  6:07:29    Cruciverbalist
3)  6:16:19    Ravi Sundaram
4)  6:21:05    KB
5)  6:22:54    Ravi Subramanian
6)  6:24:32    Lakshmi shankar
7)  6:25:11    Lakshmi Shankar
8)  6:35:25    Sundar Vedantham
9)  6:52:14    Meenakshi Ganap1athi
10)  8:29:40    S.R..BALASUBRAMANIAN
11)  9:01:41    Kesavan
12)  9:26:17    R.Narayanan
13)  12:41:47    Dhayanandan Bhaskar
14)  12:44:27    Bhuvana Sivaraman
15)  12:58:09    NT NATHAN
16)  13:14:18    Siddhan Subramanian
17)  14:20:11    M.K.RAGHAVAN.
18)  19:42:34    Nanganallur Chittanandam
19)  20:01:15    Anika Vedantham


Raghavan MK said…

A peek into today's riddle!
Krypton- English 🌺
_The only thing more frustrating than *slanderers* is those foolish enough to listen to them._
Dictionary meaning of the clues used in the riddle :

1. *De* :
*de* means *of* (expresses belonging)
Paris est la capitale *de* la France. ―
Paris is the capital *of* France.

2. *tract*
A short treatise in pamphlet form, typically on a religious subject.

3. *Der* :
*der* (definite)
means *the* ;
definite article for several declensions:
_Slanderer of the French religious booklet caused the German leave the Order (9)_

*_of_* _the French_
= *de* (means _of_ in french language)

_religious booklet_
= *tract*

_the German_
= _der_(means _the_ in german language)

_caused the German leave the Order_
=" _der_ " to be removed from _order_
= *or* ( ~der~ )

= *de+tract+or*
= *detractor*
★★★★★★★★★★★★ _*slanderer*_
- one who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel
= backbiter, defamer, libeler, maligner,
depreciator, *_detractor_*

_*Active detractors* ,_
_Are the first to become highly incensed._
_When their covert actions to divert attention,_
_Does not influence_
_With their negative intentions meant._

_The use of *slander* and deceit to defeat,_
_A position taken or one to despised_
_Only increases the integrity seen,_
_Before those who have opened eyes._

_And those active *detractors* ,_
_Only desire blame to shame_
_Those who live to do good deeds to please,_
_All of humanity._
_And not their own selfish feeding of greed._

by Lawrence S. Pertillar

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