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Solution to Krypton 63

Solution Krypton 63
Today's clue:
Make new human heart, transplant it, and dispose of after death (8) (7)

Its solution: Cremate = CRE(m)ATE
Solved by the following 18 persons:

 1)   6:00:11    S.Parthasarathy
 2)   6:03:16    Ravi Subramanian
 3)   6:05:17    KB
 4)   6:06:54    Kesavan
 5)   6:14:21    Siddhan Subramanian
 6)   6:15:34    NT NATHAN
 7)   6:16:27    Sundar Vedantham
 8)   6:32:26    Meenakshi Ganapathi
 9)   7:26:46    Soudhamini
10)   7:32:48    S P Suresh
11)   7:33:56    Cruciverbalist
12)   7:34:46    Ambika
13)   9:51:12    S.R.BALASUBRAMANIAN
14)   9:54:09    Dhayanandan Bhaskar
15)  10:55:59    M.K.RAGHAVAN.
16)  13:43:01    ravi sundaram
17)  15:36:17    Sandhya
18)  19:10:48    MK Bharathi


Raghavan MK said…
A peek into today's English riddle .....👇🏽
_Shakespeare's Hamlet_ :
_"Though yet of Hamlet our dear brother's *death*_
_The memory be green, and that it us befitted_
_To bear our *hearts* in grief, and our whole kingdom_
_To be contracted in one brow of woe,_
_Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature_
_That we with wisest sorrow think on him_
_Together with remembrance of ourselves."_
King Claudius begins by acknowledging Old King Hamlet's *death* and says it "befitted" the "whole kingdom" to mourn Old Hamlet's loss (emphasis on the past tense.) But, he also asserts that it is "wise" for the "whole kingdom" to move on quickly. Self-interest ("remembrance of ourselves") and self-preservation are both far more important. But why? Well, Claudius, is responsible for murdering Old King Hamlet so it's no wonder he wants to sweep the guy's life under the rug.
_Make new human heart, transplant it, and dispose of after death (7)_

_Make new_ = *create*
_heart = centre,middle central part_
( _"right in the heart of the city"_ )
_human heart_
= _middle letter in human_
= *m*
_transplant it_
=insert *m* in *create*
= *create + m*
= *cremate*
_dispose of after death_ = *cremate*
_Todays riddle brings to fore the meaning of life._

It starts with *_creation_* and ends with *_cremation_* !

Both these words differ only by the letter ' *_m_* ', which stands for *_mortality_* !

A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies.This means that you are an individual destined to die because you are susceptible to *_death_* !
So lets learn to live our destined days embracing *_humanity_* till death embraces us!
Muthu said…
cremate has only 7 letters!
Vanchinathan said…
When the puzzle was posted in the morning it was correctly mentioned as 7 letters, in the solution posted at 9pm I'd made the mistake. I'll correct it.
உஷா said…
That's beautifully explained. Thanks

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