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Solution to Krypton 71

Today's clue:
I am in a class being a person of exceptionally high creativity (6) 
Its  solution:  GENIUS
Solved by the following 23 persons:
 1)  6:04:21    Ramarao
 2)  6:05:14    KB
 3)  6:06:46    S.Parthasarathy
 4)  6:11:30    Sundar Vedantham
 5)  6:21:02    Sandhya
 6)  6:21:38    Kesavan
 7)  6:47:46    Niranjan
 8)  6:50:57    David
 9)  7:21:49    Meenakshi Ganapathi
10)  7:26:28    S P Suresh
11)  7:42:24    Rukmani Gopalan
12)  7:49:54    Raja Rangarajan
13)  8:05:55    S.R.BALASUBRAMANIAN
14)  8:25:38    Dhayanandan Bhaskar
15)  8:43:59    Ravi sundaram
16)  8:45:58    Ambika
17)  10:02:32    K Suresh
18)  11:07:38    Srivina
19)  13:12:24    Bhuvana Sivaraman
20)  13:53:49    M.K.RAGHAVAN.
21)  17:47:56    MK Bharathi
22)  19:10:15    Radha Desikan
23)  19:16:21    Soudhamini


Raghavan MK said…
A peek into today's English riddle!
a principal taxonomic category that ranks above species and below family, and is denoted by a capitalized Latin name, e.g. Leo.
synonyms: group, subdivision, subfamily
"the largest genus of plants with fleshy fruits"

(in philosophical and general use) a class of things which have common characteristics and which can be divided into subordinate kinds.
synonyms: type, sort, kind, genre, style, variety, category, *class*
I am in a class being a person of exceptionally high creativity (6)

= *genus*
_I am in a class_
= *i* in *genus*
*=genius* .
= _person of exceptionally high creativity_
*genius* meaning

exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

_an exceptionally intelligent person_ or one with exceptional skill in a particular area of activity.

_Genius, like gold and precious stones,_
_is chiefly prized because of its rarity_

( *Mark Twain* )

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