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Solution to Krypton 32

The clue for today (20/05/2018):
An actor against entry of media (8)
Its solution:   COMEDIAN = Con (against, as in pros and cons) + Media

Perhaps the brief nature of the clue made it seem tougher than it actually is.
Or possibly "an actor" was interpreted to stand for a specific person  in the profession of acting.

 Only  12 persons have  solved this:

* ) 6:02:54  Ramarao
--> 1) 6:04:32    S,Parthasarathy   
2) 6:09:23    R. Ravishankar.   
3) 6:14:34    K.BALASUBRAMANIAN   
4) 6:29:06    Kesavan   
5) 6:41:01    Ravi Subramanian    
6) 6:48:39    Lakshmi Shankar   
7) 7:05:47    R.Narayanan   
8) 8:40:38    S P Suresh   
9) 13:14:11    Siddhan
10) 17:38:19    Meenakshi Ganapathi   
11) 18:45:08    Bala   
12) 20:20:23    Radha Desikan   


Raghavan MK said…

How about this answer?

_"An actor against entry of media" (8)_

An actor = star

Against entry of media = media -m = edia

Anagram of star +edia = *radiates*
Ramarao said…
I sent the answer within a few minutes (may be within 5 min) after the puzzle is published. But my name is not figuring in the list. How is that?
Vanchinathan said…
I apologise. While cutting and pasting the top line got missed out! Corrected now.
Vanchinathan said…
If multiple answers seem to be possible, the one that explains every word in the clue, and assumes nothing about what is not given in the clue wins.

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