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Solution to Krypton 39

Clue for Krypton 39,  Saturday 16th June 2018:

Goal after the part above the foot is a wonderful story  (6)

Its solution: LEGEND

Note: Solver's list will be published tomorrow.
Solved by the following 24 persons:

 1) 6:06:33    Thirumoorthi Subramanian  
2) 6:08:19    R. Ravishankar

3) 6:10:29    Ramarao  
4) 6:14:15    Meenakshi  
5) 6:18:05    Kesavan  
6) 6:21:32    Srivina  
7) 6:21:41    Lakshmi Shankar  
8) 6:23:40    Srivina  
9) 6:25:38    Ravi sundaram  
10) 6:30:19    S.R.BALASUBRAMANIAN  
11) 6:32:58    Radha Desikan  
12) 6:33:31    Ravi Subramanian   
13) 6:46:21    Bhuvana Sivaraman  
14) 6:48:25    Suba Srinivasan  
15) 6:52:32    Ramani balakrishnan  
16) 7:04:44    Kalyani Desikan   
17) 7:17:31    Vijaya Ravishankar  
18) 7:27:37    Muthusubramanyam  
19) 7:32:09    Siddhan  
20) 7:33:29    Sundar Vedantham  
21) 8:24:50    NT NATHAN
22) 15:57:25    R.Narayanan  
23) 15:59:51    M.K.RAGHAVAN.    
24) 17:47:06    Sankarasubramanian   



Raghavan MK said…

A peek into today's English riddle............👇🏽

_Goal after the part above the foot is a wonderful story  (6)_

Goal here takes the meaning of *"end ".*

part above the foot is *leg*

Goal after the part denotes, end after leg.
i.e., leg +end

= *legend*

= a wonderful story!

Happy ending!

We have achieved our goal! 🥅⛹🏽‍♂

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