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Solution to Krypton 43

Todays clue:
Rib is in where the pitcher is dying (8)
Solution: Moribund
(While looking up the dictionary  learnt that the pitcher in
baseball pitches from a mound. I'd be glad to get comments on this from people knowledgeable on this game if I have used it correctly. Otherwise my knowledge of this game is from the Hollywood movies: that one uses the baseball bat as a weapon when one suspects an intruder has broken into the house.)

A bonus clue can be found here.

Solved by 13 persons 
 1)   6:07:08    Thirumoorthi Subramanian
 2)   6:10:54    S.Parthasarathy
 3)   6:18:03    Lakshmi shankar
 4)   6:24:30    S.R.BALASUBRAMANIAN
 5)   6:31:29    Ravi Subramanian
 6)   7:43:39    Siddhan
 7)   8:02:45    ravi sundaram
 8)   8:29:50    Muthusubramanyam
 9)  11:23:20    M.K.RAGHAVAN.
10)  12:14:36    Maya & Sundar Vedantham
11)  16:11:38    Radha Desikan
12)  17:21:04    Kesavan
13)  19:23:49    Ambika


Raghavan MK said…
_Rib is in where the pitcher is dying (8)_

Pitcher means a container, water jug, beer jug , jar normally made of clay.
Another meaning of pitcher is the player who delivers (pitches)the ball to the batter(batsman) in a baseball game!
The pitcher throws the ball from the *mound* to the batter.
Lets watch the game. ...

_where the pitcher is_
*= mound*

_Rib is in_
= rib is in mound
= *mo +rib+und*
= *moribund*
= _dying_ (Near death)

_(The patient was moribund)_

The game is over!

Let's have a *pitcher* of ...🍺...and relax! 😄
Sundar said…
Vanchi, Puzzle made sense and the usage sounds appropriate. For baseball related amusement, readers can look up Philly fanatic (mascot) and "frankhurter". :-)
Sundar said…

BTW, that lady is physically fine. Injury was minor.

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