Today's clue
To be held awkwardly in a secluded place where one records (8)
The solution is: NOTEBOOK = NOOK + TO BE
Just nine persons have solved it correctly.
They are:
S.Parthasarathy, R.Narayanan, S.R.BALASUBRAMANIAN
Ravi Sundaram, Kesavan, Siddhan Subramanian
Sundar Vedantham, S P Suresh, Paul
Looks like the cue is tougher than I expected. Hope you all like it.
One more solution:
MK Raghavan submitted at 8.51 pm.
_To be held awkwardly in a secluded place where one records (8)_
_a secluded place_
= *nook*
*To be* held awkwardly in *nook*
= anagram of *nook +to be*
= *notebook*
= _where one records_
*_held awkwardly_ is anagram indicator!
It was tough.
I could post my answer by 8.50 p.m. only