Today's clue:
Loud noise resulting from kinky sex in pool (9)
Its solution: EXPLOSION , anagram of SEX IN POOL. The solution is admittedly
not as colourful as the clue! Perhaps if had POPULATION EXPLOSION as the solution
clue and solution might have been worded equally
colourful. Leave it to you think of modifying it. I am very slow to understand the device named
reverse anagram employed in The Hindu crossword frequently. When I undestand that bettter I'll come up with one.
Here is the page with the list of solvers.
Here is the page with the list of solvers.
_Definition of kinky_
1: closely *twisted* or curled
2: sexually deviant
3: outlandish, far-out
This word _kinky_ might have been included in the clue, by the author , probably to divert the attention of the solvers.
Along with the words , _resulting from_ , it serves as an indicator for anagram.
This is how I debugged the riddle.
Comments, otherwise are welcome!
_Loud noise resulting from kinky sex in pool (9)_
_resulting from kinky_
= _anagram indicator for_
*sex in pool*
= *explosion*
= _Loud noise_
*Once there was an explosion.*
_“Once there was an explosion._
_A bang which gave birth to time and space._
_Once there was an explosion._
A _bang which set a planet spinning in that space._
_Once there was an explosion._
_A bang which gave rise to life as we know it._
*_And then, came the next explosion._*
*_An explosion that will be our last."_*
- Death stranding