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Solution to Krypton 248

Today's clue:
Topmost grain initially among others includes stirred tea (8)
Its solution: GREATEST G + REST + ATE

Here is the page with the list of solvers.


Raghavan MK said…
A peek into *KRYPTON!*
_You’ve been *stirring your tea* all wrong, according to a royal butler — here's how to do it right_
Drinking tea like a member of the royal family is a fraught affair, *according to a former butler to Prince Charles.*

He told Business Insider that a particular no-no is, *stirring tea* with a circular motion: the correct way is back and forth, ' *to avoid a storm in a tea cup.'*

He revealed the four steps to the perfect royal cup in BBC Three comedy series Miss Holland — and there was one step in particular that caught our eye: the stirring instructions.

Here's Harrold's method:

1. _Pour the tea into the cup from a teapot_

2. _Add milk to the cup after the tea, never before_

3. _Stir back and forth — never use a circular motion and never touch the sides_

4. _Sip from the cup, do not slurp!_
_Topmost grain initially among others includes stirred tea (8)_ 

_grain initially_ = *g*
_others_ = *rest*
_stirred tea_
= *tea--> ate*

*g* _among others includes stirred tea_
= *g* among *rest* includes *ate*
= *g+re(ate)st*
= *greatest*
= _Topmost_
_But why shouldn't you *stir the tea* in a circle like most people do?_

Harrold told Business Insider: "If we stir in a circular motion we can create a storm in a tea cup and see the tea coming over the sides which we should never allow.

"If the spoon touches the sides it makes a clinging sound and we don't want that at the afternoon tea table."

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