Today's clue:
Go forward mixing gains with a loss account (11) Solution PROCEEDINGS = Proceed + ings
Procceed = Go forward
ings = gains - a
The proceedings of the trial against the assassin will remain classified for the next fifty years
Here is the page with the list of people who have given the solution politely keeping quiet about the mistake.
Go forward mixing gains with a loss account (11) Solution PROCEEDINGS = Proceed + ings
Procceed = Go forward
ings = gains - a
The proceedings of the trial against the assassin will remain classified for the next fifty years
Here is the page with the list of people who have given the solution politely keeping quiet about the mistake.
_Go forward mixing gains with a loss account (10)_
_Go forward_
= *Proceed*
_*gains* with *a* loss_
= *gains-a*
= *gins*
= _anagram indicator for (_Proceed+gins_ )
= *Proceedings*
= _account_