Today's clue:
Independent secret contents buried in a symbol (9) Unfortunately I made a mistake in making this clue, missing out the "e". I thought SOVEREIGN = SIGN + c OVER t This must have confused and and stopped some of you from arriving at the solution even when you had a hunch Sorry for this. I'll try to come up with a better one next time.
Here is the page with the list of people who have given the solution politely keeping quiet about the mistake.
Independent secret contents buried in a symbol (9) Unfortunately I made a mistake in making this clue, missing out the "e". I thought SOVEREIGN = SIGN + c OVER t This must have confused and and stopped some of you from arriving at the solution even when you had a hunch Sorry for this. I'll try to come up with a better one next time.
Here is the page with the list of people who have given the solution politely keeping quiet about the mistake.