Today's clue:
Mean to be a substitute drink (8) Solution: BEVERAGE = AVERAGE - A + BE
The list of submitted solutions is given in this the page.
Mean to be a substitute drink (8) Solution: BEVERAGE = AVERAGE - A + BE
The list of submitted solutions is given in this the page.
*a drink* other than water.
any potable liquid, especially one other than water, as tea, coffee, beer, or milk:
_Mean to be a substitute drink (8)_
_Mean_ = *average*
_be a substitute_
= _indicates to substitute *a* with *be* in average_
= *be+( ~a~ )verage*
= *beverage*
= _drink_
Time to chill out, relax and unwind,
And leave all of your stress behind.
Ice cream and cold *beverages* will quench your thirst,
Especially when the heat is the worst.
Music, barbecues, games galore,
Laughter everywhere.
Who could ask for more?
Ever wished it could stay this way?
I wish it was summertime every day.
(Poem by Duane Crichlow)