Yesterday's clue:
Where committee meets with a cleaning tool around a damaged road (9)
Its solution: BOARDROOM = BROOM + ROAD
Broom = cleaning tool
OARD = damaged road
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Its solution: BOARDROOM = BROOM + ROAD
Broom = cleaning tool
OARD = damaged road
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*A peek into today's riddle!*
*Krypton: 366*
_Women in the *Boardroom* for Better Governance Management_
One of recent topics discussed extensively in boardroom is how to refresh board of directors’ composition to counter with fast-moving business environment. Gender diversity is proved to be one solution to contribute and strengthen boardroom’s effectiveness. Even though empirical evidences produce inconclusive results about the effect of having or increasing *women in boardroom* would positively impact companies’ financial performance. Finally, this paper is reflected the future role of women in boardroom by highlighting the important fact and key strength of women’s skills in tech experience which is deemed necessarily to overcome velocity of current and future technological disruption.
_Where committee meets with a cleaning tool around a damaged road (9)_
_cleaning tool_
= *broom*
_damaged road_
= *road---> oard*
_tool around_
= _Broom around oard_
= _Where committee meets_
*The Boardroom*
*_Important decisions are being made in the boardroom today_*
_We want higher profits and more sales_
_We have no room for anyone who fails_
_And if today's not your best day_
_We'll just have to send you away_
_Important decisions are being made in the boardroom today_
_It is we who run the economy_
_Us who decides what may come to be_
_Listen to us carefully as we say-_
_This world is coloured different shades of grey_
*_Important decisions are being made in the boardroom today._*
(Saad Qazi)