Today's clue:
Sacred staff reportedly emphasizing the entire thing (8)
Its solution: HOLISTIC ("HOLY STICK")
Here is the list of solvers for this puzzle. (Please copy-paste the following web address)
Thanks for the appreciation from Raghavan and the kind words from RKE. But I am nowhere near the prolific compilers like Gridman, Arden, Dr X, Hypatia and many smart people whose works appear in The Hindu.
உதிரிவெடி 4306 (ஆகஸ்டு 11, 2024) வாஞ்சிநாதன் ************************* மூன்று பேர் அனுப்பிய விடைகளில், பத்மா, வானதி இருவரும் ஓரளவுக்கு நெருங்கி வந்திருக்கிறார்கள். சற்றே மாற்றிய வடிவத்தில் இப்புதிர் சிக்கும் என்று நினைக்கிறேன். கொடி மானம் பெருமையில்லாப் பெருமையிழந்து ப,க,ட்,டு,க்,கு உதாரணங்கள் (5) இன்று (திங்கள்) இரவு 9 மணிக்கு விடைகள் வெளிவரும். உங்கள் விடையை இடுவதற்கு இங்கே சொடுக்கி வேறிடம் செல்லவும்
*A peek into Krypton!*
********************** Merriam-Webster on
Definition of
a pole, *stick* , rod, or bar used as a support or as a sign of authority, the staff of a flag, a bishop's staff.
_Sacred staff reportedly emphasizing the entire thing (8)_
_Sacred_ = *holy*
_staff_ = *stick*
_reportedly_ = indigator for *similar-sounding words* , as *holy* could be *holi* and *stick* could be also *stic*
_emphasizing the entire thing_
= *holi + stic*
= *holistic*
The definition of *holistic* is relating to the idea that things should be studied as a whole and not just as a sum of their parts. An example of holistic is health care that focuses on the health of the *entire* body and mind and not just parts of the body alone.
My philosophy comes from a worldview that looks at the world as one. It's a holistic view that sees the world as interconnected and interdependent and integrated in so many different ways, which informs my politics.
Dennis Kucinich
_The performance of a music director should be judged in a holistic manner, which includes songs as well as background score._