Today's clue:
Distribute software before speech with audience initially missing (9)
Its solution: APPORTION = APP + ORATION - A (udience)
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Distribute software before speech with audience initially missing (9)
Its solution: APPORTION = APP + ORATION - A (udience)
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A peek into today's Krypton!
a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion.
words writen on paper that would ring out louder than any speech😃
_Distribute software before speech with audience initially missing (9)_
_software_ = *app*
_speech with audience_
= *oration*
_audience initially missing_
= _first letter in audience_ *(a)* _missing from_
= *ortion*
_software before speech_
= *app+ortion*
= *apportion*
= _Distribute_
*Mark his words*
_Marc Antony's funeral oration_
_Masterpiece of shrewd persuasion_
_Igniting sundry Romans' fierce desire_
*_To douse 'noble Brutus' life with fire_*
(Gershon Wolf )
*Dark Humor*
_Should mortification_
_be justification_
_for your fortification_
_Then you need a long vacation_
_'Judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts...'_
*Marc Antony's 'Funeral Oration' in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"*